Friday, May 18, 2018

A win-win for Honolulu: shipping, distribution and logistics

New DHX - Dependable Hawaiian Express warehouseIf you’ve looked at or our social media pages, you have seen our current major project in the works – we’re building a new warehouse and distribution center in Honolulu.

This facility is different than our other owned freight-handling facilities located in Southern California, Maui, Kona, and Guam because the ground was contaminated with oil and gas byproduct waste.

We bought four acres of land that has laid barren for over 20 years while being remediated. It was an eyesore to those working in the area. The property was not contributing positively to Hawaii or the community. We are now furthering the remediation process to the point the land can be useful and productive. We will be turning the four acres into a state-of-the-art public warehouse and distribution center. The building will be located within 10 minutes of the port in an area off Nimitz Highway.

DHX-Dependable Hawaiian Express is proud of what we are going to be contributing to Oahu's economy and future. Not only does the property itself become productive, but with 4,000 pallet positions for storage, we’ll help ease the current shortage of public warehousing in the industrial part of town close to the port. A land lot with thousands of plastic pipes jutting in and out of the ground will be replaced by a new, clean facility providing job opportunities during construction and thereafter. Once open it will allow us to move out of a building that is 70+ years old and very inefficient into something new.

Help us celebrate this for the community and for the businesses needing our offerings. A complete win-win!