Having a group of companies shipping cargo to Hawaii, Guam and worldwide involves people from many cultures. This may seem like a statement of fact, but when you think of DGX (Dependable Global Express), DAX (Dependable AirCargo Express) or DHX - Dependable Hawaiian Express, do you think of many different people, in all different shapes and sizes, with differing personal attitudes? We hope not!
What we hope to convey is the quality services we provide, no matter who you speak with, and how that manner of conducting business is consistently how we approach our business globally.
It isn’t easy to manage differences. The holidays are a cultural “mixed bag,” because different people within cultures, in different areas of the world, may or may not believe in Thanksgiving, Hanukkah or Christmas. What is important is the spirit of kindness and warmth and caring the time of the year brings. I am one individual who wishes all business were conducted with the same spirit all year long — what a better world we’d have! How less stressful would your daily duties/responsibilities be?
This year, we will be sending out ecards — digital Holiday greeting cards — to remind our customers and vendors how focused we are on the environment and the future. Most importantly, we remind those we care about of the true spirit of the Holidays, and hope they catch the spirit and enjoy the season. Happy Holidays to all of you!
As always, thank you for your business during the past year - we appreciate it! Ho Ho Ho!