With 38 years of ocean freight forwarding experience at DHX-Dependable Hawaiian Express, we provide options for your shipping needs.
Not all shippers try to find you the least expensive and fastest shipping solutions. Most have grown accustomed to the easy routine of using mainland small parcel solutions for their customer shipments to the Hawaiian islands. The result is sometimes varied, inconsistent, incomplete and expensive. Not just expensive in actual freight charges but also in the time it takes to track and trace your shipments.
Over the years, DHX-Dependable Hawaiian Express has listened to our customers and worked with them to tailor service solutions that best meet their needs and expectations as well as that of their valued customers. Rather than shipping via a parcel carrier direct to the islands, you can ship with us by simply combining all of the pre-labeled parcel shipments on a pallet, shrink wrapped and labeled to the parcel carrier location in Hawaii.
Your pallet can either be dropped at one of our terminal facilities or we will pick it up along with any other larger shipments to the islands. DHX-Dependable Hawaiian Express utilizes every available sailing to Hawaii and loads island-direct containers so your parcel shipments can be at the carrier’s facility in as little as six days of sailing.
This shipping solution provides a level of shipment integrity and consistency that helps to eliminate the chance of a multiple piece shipment being separated and delivered over the course of days. It also ensures the shipment is delivered complete and intact the same day. By utilizing every available sailing to Hawaii, we have the solution to fit the needs of your customers and at a cost that fits your transportation budget.
DHX-Dependable Hawaiian Express recognizes we are in an ever changing, ever evolving society, and we want to ensure we are right there with you.
We welcome your suggestions and continue to value your confidence in us and your business. Come see how Dependable Supply Chain Services can better support your business by visiting us today!